Comparative Politics - Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft

Edited by: Prof. Dr. Susanne Pickel, Prof. Dr. Christof Hartmann, Prof. Ingo Rohlfing

The series, Comparative Politics. Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, is firmly anchored in the field of comparative political research and presents innovative studies comprising theory-guided empirical research or exploring new theoretical and conceptual ground. The series is not limited to specific theories, methods, or topics. On the theoretical side, we invite books that invoke theories such as rational choice, game theory and institutional theories as well as political attitudes, values, and political culture.
Substantively, contributions to the series should belong to the field of comparative politics as it is broadly understood. Comparisons can, for example, involve countries from all regions of the world and subnational units within countries (like the German Länder or Swiss Kantone). Following a classic distinction, these comparisons can extend to polities (e.g., constitutions), politics, and policies from an array of fields such as welfare policy, foreign policy, or judicial policy.
Methodologically, we are interested in books doing a rigorous empirical analysis based on the informed application of a wide range of social science methods. Thus, the series invites the submission of books using some form of quantitative analysis, ranging from simple regression to more advanced techniques such as multilevel and structural equation modeling. This will also include qualitative case studies, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), social network analysis, manual and computer-based content analysis, and any combination of multiple methods in a mixed-method design.

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