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 Werner  Gephart - Law, Culture and Society

Law, Culture and Society

Series: Recht als Kultur
Volume 7 2015 Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main
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Stefan Breuer - Georg Jellinek und Max Weber

Georg Jellinek und Max Weber

Volume 25 1999 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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Christine Magerski - Die Macht der Institution

Die Macht der Institution

Volume 149 2021 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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 Werner  Gephart,  Jan Christoph  Suntrup - Dynamics of Constitutional Cultures

Dynamics of Constitutional Cultures

Series: Recht als Kultur
Volume 25 2021 Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main
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Andreas Buss - The Economic Ethics of World Religions and their Laws

The Economic Ethics of World Religions and their Laws

2015 Nomos, Baden-Baden
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