@article{2015:gorynia:outward_fd, title = {Outward FDI of Polish firms: The role of motives, entry modes and location factors}, year = {2015}, note = {The present paper aims to identify the interdependencies between the motives and modes of foreign direct investment (FDI) undertaken by Polish companies in different host countries. The qualitative analysis also considers firm characteristics, prior modes of entry and host-country choices. By using a structured survey, based on an extensive literature review, the authors apply within-case and cross-case approaches to analyse data collected from ten Polish companies. The findings lead to the formulation of seven propositions which may serve as guidelines for future research using larger and more representative samples of Polish outward foreign direct investment.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {328--359}, author = {Gorynia, Marian and Nowak, Jan and Trąpczyński, Piotr and Wolniak, Radosław}, volume = {20}, number = {3} }