@article{2006:steyrer:leaderschi, title = {Leaderschip in transformation between local embeddedness and global challenges}, year = {2006}, note = {Based on empirical studies in Romania, Estonia, Germany, and Austria within the GLOBE project, the authors try to answer the question of cultural embeddedness of leadership patterns in an environment of more and more globalised management. Special emphasis is put on the match/mismatch of the observed styles of leadership behaviour of CEO`s with regional and global expectations, on the differences and similarities between the examined countries, the influence of transformational settings in the CEE countries, and the prospective changes due to a new generation of managers.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {113--139}, author = {Steyrer, Johannes and Hartz, Ronald and Schiffinger, Michael}, volume = {11}, number = {2} }