@article{2018:coppolaro:globalizin, title = {Globalizing GATT: The EC/EU and the Trade Regime in the 1980s-1990s}, year = {2018}, note = {This article reconstructs the European Community (EC)’s - later the European Union (EU) - participation in the GATT Uruguay Round and the parallel negotiations between China and GATT/WTO members taking place in the 1980s-1990s. The two negotiations came at a moment of enormous changes: the ending of the Cold War; the collapse of the Soviet Union; and the political triumph of capitalism and the market economy. This article shows that the EC/EU played a leading role in globalizing GATT by favouring a broadening of the trade regime agenda to include new areas, by strengthening the rules and the institutions of the trade regime with the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and by supporting the enlargement of GATT/WTO membership to China - a key player. In so doing, the EC/EU played a crucial role in liberalising trade and, more broadly in shaping the internationalization of the world economy.}, journal = {JEIH Journal of European Integration History}, pages = {335--352}, author = {COPPOLARO, Lucia}, volume = {24}, number = {2} }