@article{2019:kohls:die_wahlen, title = {Die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament 2019: drei Ursachen für die Transformation im europäischen Parteiensystem}, year = {2019}, note = {The results of the European Parliament elections 2019 are a reflection of a longer-term transformation in the European party system, whereby (left-)liberal and right-wing forces are gaining votes at the expense of traditional centre-left and centre-right catch-all parties. This contribution highlights three societal reasons for this transformation: a new cleavage between inclusion and exclusion which gains importance with respect to the left-right cleavage, changes in the structure of public communication, and the catalytic effect of the European crises of the last years.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {218--225}, author = {Kohls, Johannes and Müller, Manuel}, volume = {42}, number = {3} }