@article{2017:schild:franzsis, title = {Französische Europapolitik unter Emmanuel Macron. Ambitionen, Strategien, Erfolgsbedingungen}, year = {2017}, note = {The French presidential elections open a window of opportunity for French European policy and for the European Union. Against the rising tide of Euroscepticism in France, Emmanuel Macron was able to win this electoral contest with an openly pro-European programme. He tabled an ambitious, proactive European policy approach, including reform proposals for key policy areas, and promised a “refounda- tion” of Europe. These proposals are combined with “protective” elements to assuage the widespread French fears of globalisation and European market integration. Two conditions must be met in order to implement his plans and restore French influence within the European Union: successful social and economic reforms at home and a strong and reenergised bilateral relationship with Germany in order to provide co-leadership for the Union.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {177--192}, author = {Schild, Joachim}, volume = {40}, number = {3} }