@article{2014:gler:die_europa, title = {Die Europawahl 2014 und das Konzept der Spitzenkandidaten – ein Kommentar}, year = {2014}, note = {Expectations were high regarding the European elections 2014: some hoped for a renewed impulse for the democratisation of the European Union, while others feared that gains for the Euro skeptic parties would allow these parties to impede the functioning of the European Parliament. Against this backdrop the election results can be considered as ambivalent. The article presents a preliminary analysis of the European elections. The authors begin by reviewing the elections’ results, before discussing the reasons for the success of the Euro skeptic parties and the role of the ‘top-candidates’. They conclude by providing several recommendations.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {152--160}, author = {Göler, Daniel and Jopp, Mathias}, volume = {37}, number = {2} }