@article{2014:bonvicini:die_italie, title = {Die italienische Ratspräsidentschaft 2014: Ambitionen und Schwerpunkte unter schwierigen Bedingungen}, year = {2014}, note = {In the second half of 2014, the Italian government holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU. It is facing a number of challenges at the European and national levels: the Lisbon Treaty altered the Council Presidency’s responsibilities; new representatives for most high-level EU posts have to be appointed; and the new Italian government only assumed office in February 2014. The article discusses how the Italian Council Presidency can ensure con­ti⁠nuity in this difficult transitional period and which political priorities it should address. The latter include: strengthening EU’s economic governance, stimulating growth, defining long-term priorities for the European external policies, facilitating cooperation in the fields of security and defence, reforming the Union’s migration policy, and increasing the overall efficiency and legitimacy of European policy-making.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {109--122}, author = {Bonvicini, Gianni and Nelli Feroci, Ferdinando}, volume = {37}, number = {2} }