@article{2014:kothari:a_social_r, title = {A Social Rights Model for Social Security: Learnings from India}, year = {2014}, note = {A vast majority of states have formally committed to respect, protect, and progressively fulfill the right to social security by ratifying human rights and ILO conventions. Accordingly, social security systems should guarantee indiscriminate access to health services, provide benefits in the case of work losses due to illness, disability, death of family members, old age, unemployment, and maternity, and further support families, children and adult dependents. As a matter of law and fact, however, social security systems in developing countries usually benefit only a minority of the population. From a human rights perspective, enormous efforts are necessary to increase the coverage of social security systems, reaching people in the informal sector and from poorer parts of the population. The present contribution highlights how important the implementation of right to social security is for developing countries.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {5--21}, author = {Kothari, Jayna}, volume = {47}, number = {1} }