@article{2016:cohn:under_what, title = {Under what conditions are ministers able to “let go” in Westminster-style political systems? Evidence from Ontario, Canada}, year = {2016}, note = {One of the key elements of both the New Public Management and the emerging Public Governance approach is that ministers have to resist the urge to manage. They have to let go and allow their managers to manage and allow deliberative processes involving stakeholders to take their course, even if the outcome in specific cases might prove unpopular. This article seeks to understand the conditions under which governments in a Westminster system are willing to let go and support autonomous decision-making by public sector agencies, even when the results are unpopular with the public. Evidence is drawn from the Canadian province of Ontario in two different policy areas.}, journal = {ZögU Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen}, pages = {65--76}, author = {Cohn, Daniel}, volume = {39}, number = {1-2} }