@article{2018:khne:auenpoli, title = {Außenpolitik als parlamentarisches Minderterrain – am Beispiel des ostpolitischen Attentismus der Adenauerzeit}, year = {2018}, note = {Imparity of parliamentary influence, common to both the acceptance of the Versailles Treaty by the Weimar National Assembly and the current struggle in the British House of Commons over the Brexit deal, was also a grave problem for the German Bundestag addressing the government’s Ostpolitik in the 1950’s. The problem revolved around keeping at least some parts of the territory east of the Oder and Neiße that indisputably belonged to the German Reich up until 1945, and thus made up a core element of the state as such. The secret German-Polish negotiations show that in this case the German parliament was by far not as well informed as the government. This was at least one of the reasons why the Bundestag did not and perhaps could not realize how detrimental to German interests this wait-and-see attitude was, especially since seen through international eyes the German position was continually being eroded.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {838--854}, author = {Kühne, Jörg-Detlef}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }