@article{2018:schmidtjortzig:parlamenta, title = {Parlamentarismus im Zeitalter der Neuen Medien – oder: Digitalisierter Parlamentarismus}, year = {2018}, note = {The comprehensive digitization of communication does not exclude parliamentarism. It encroaches on its working methods as well as on its operation mode. Authenticity, directness and originality of parliamentarian debates are declining. Integrity and self-confidence of the representatives is suffering. Even the democratic parliamentary process is damaged as the informing function of parliament becomes vulnerable, the manner of discourse may vulgarize and parliamentarian problem-solving is subjected to simplification. Taken together all these factors will lead to changes of the playing field, the framework and sounding board of parliamentarism.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {793--798}, author = {Schmidt-Jortzig, Edzard}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }