@article{2016:jarosz:teilnahme_, title = {Teilnahme der deutschen Minderheit an den polnischen Kommunal- wahlen 1990 bis 2014}, year = {2016}, note = {The German minority is concentrated in the area of Opole Silesia and is an important po- litical factor in this region . The Germans regularly gain many seats in the municipality, city and county councils, mostly in rural areas in the Eastern part of the Opole Voievodeship . They are also an important faction in the Opole Regional Assembly . Despite initial contro- versies and tensions, they proved to be a solid host and an open partner for all political forces on the local political scenes . In a broader perspective the participation of the German minority in the Polish local government structures is a natural process in Poland’s demo- cratic development . [ZParl, vol . 47 (2016), no . 4, pp . 831 - 850]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {831--850}, author = {Jarosz, Adam}, volume = {47}, number = {4} }