@article{2016:karow:demokratie, title = {Demokratie unter Zeitdruck? Befunde zur Beschleunigung der deutschen Gesetzgebung}, year = {2016}, note = {Modern societies are characterized by an increasing acceleration in all areas of life . The political system is under pressure to adapt to this, especially since decision-making in demo- cratic systems is perceived as taking too long . The question is whether democratic legisla- tors adapt to the process of acceleration - which ultimately is a challenge to the political system’s claim to exercise power - by speeding up their legislation . A quantitative analysis of German national legislation (1990 to 2013) shows that the German Bundestag has in fact been accelerating its legislation . In contrast, there is no evidence that other legislative actors outside the parliament have adapted to the general process of acceleration in the German society so far . [ZParl, vol . 47 (2016), no . 1, pp . 69 - 84]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {69--84}, author = {Karow, Sophie and Bukow, Sebastian}, volume = {47}, number = {1} }