@article{2015:winkelmann:nur_wenig_, title = {Nur wenig Veränderung: Die Parlamentswahlen in Südafrika vom 7. Mai 2014}, year = {2015}, note = {The fifth democratic election in South Africa was clearly won by the African National Con- gress . It received 62 .15 per cent of the votes and thus won a comfortable majority in the National Assembly . The liberal and pro-business Democratic Alliance could raise its per- centage of votes considerably . Its main topics in the election campaign had been the exist- ing economic and social problems as well as the endemic corruption in the country . The newly formed Economic Freedom Fighters obtained 6 .35 per cent of the votes . This party advocates the nationalisation of certain branches of industry the way Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela as well as a comprehensive land reform of the kind that led to disastrous conse- quences in neighbouring Zimbabwe . The election campaign was not only strongly polar- ised by these extreme demands, but also by a poor political performance of the government especially in the fields of fighting poverty and crime . Furthermore, the South African soci- ety is still strongly divided . These social and economic disparities refer to a certain extent to the still vivid past of racial segregation under the former apartheid regime . [ZParl, vol . 46, no . 1, pp . 166 - 182]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {166--182}, author = {Winkelmann, Thorsten and Noller, Jost F.}, volume = {46}, number = {1} }