@article{2014:brummer:die_begren, title = {Die begrenzten „war powers“ des Bundestags}, year = {2014}, note = {The German Bundestag is considered as being among the national parliaments with themost extensive “war powers” worldwide. However, its influence on decisions about the foreigndeployment of the German armed forces, the Bundeswehr, is not only limited by thecompetencies of the German federal government. Rather, three additional factors pose restrictionson the use of both formal and informal instruments at the disposal of the Bundestagto influence governmental decision making. Those are: (a) hesitancy on the part ofparliamentarians from the governing coalition to voice their concerns over foreign deployments;(b) a lack of substantive agreement among the parliamentary groups from the oppositionwhich renders it impossible for them to put substantial pressure on the government;and (c) disunity among the foreign and security policy specialists across allparliamentary groups which also prevents the Bundestag from taking an unequivocal standon deployment decisions. The occurrence of those restrictions is illustrated by the decisionon the participation of the Bundeswehr in the UNIFIL mission. [ZParl, vol. 45, no. 3, pp.596 – 614]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {596--614}, author = {Brummer, Klaus}, volume = {45}, number = {3} }