@article{2015:lanteigne:the_role_o, title = {The Role of China in Emerging Arctic Security Discourses}, year = {2015}, note = {China is a newcomer to Arctic politics and regional relations, but the country has in a short time significantly developed its interests in the Far North as well as its diplomacy with Arctic governments and institutions. While scientific diplomacy remains at the forefront of Beijing’s Arctic policies, political and economic events in the region, largely as a result of climate change and ice erosion, have prompted China to examine the Arctic more frequently through a geo-strategic lens. The potential economic opening of the Arctic, in terms of both accessible resources and emerging transit routes, is of great interest to China, and the country has responded by deepening its engagement of the region.}, journal = {S&F Sicherheit und Frieden}, pages = {30--35}, author = {Lanteigne, Marc}, volume = {33}, number = {3} }