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Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft Banner


Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft

Helmut K. Anheier (Berlin) Reinhard Blomert (Berlin) Katharina Bluhm (Berlin) Stephan Bröchler (Berlin) Ulrich Bröckling (Freiburg) Claudia Bruns (Berlin) Hubertus Buchstein (Greifswald) Anna Geis (Berlin) Tatjana Hörnle (Freiburg) Dorothea Kübler (Berlin) Bernd Ladwig (Berlin) Philipp Lepenies (Berlin) Philip Manow (Bremen) Steffen Mau (Berlin) Frank Nullmeier (Bremen) Axel Paul (Basel) Martin Saar (Frankfurt) Dagmar Simon (Berlin) Ute Tellmann (Darmstadt) Johannes Vogel (Berlin) Michael Zürn (Berlin)

Redaktion: Eva Deitert

The journal Leviathan devotes itself to enlightenment and criticism in the social sciences. It publishes current research and debate on topics drawn from politics, culture, economics, philosophy, law and society.

The journal is read by practitioners from academic research and education, politics and administration as well as communication and media. With its cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological approach it bridges the gap between theory, empirical evidence and political practice.
