@article{2015:antholz:25_jahre_w, title = {25 Jahre Wiedervereinigung – Kriminalitätsangleichung in Ost- und Westdeutschland}, year = {2015}, note = {Until 1989, East Germany was a society run on communist lines and West Germany a society run on capitalistic ones. What did this mean in terms of crime levels at the time this study commences? To begin with, criminal activity in East Germany was at only one third the level of criminal activity in the West, but then quickly caught up rapidly after the reunification of East and West Germany and then even overtook that of the West. In 1993-1996, East German criminal activity was 20% above that of West Germany. What are the reasons behind this? Then the east criminal activity decreased. Overall, 20 years after the reunification of the country, an adjustment occurred. In 2009, East German criminal activity fell below that in the West for the first time. But after that, it has risen again and now, in 2013, is about 5% higher than in the West.}, journal = {KritV Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft}, pages = {74--84}, author = {Antholz, Birger}, volume = {98}, number = {1} }