@article{2018:jun:direkte_in, title = {Direkte innerparteiliche Demokratie in der parlamentarischen Demokratie: Das Beispiel der Mitgliederpartei SPD}, year = {2018}, note = {Parliamentary democracies can be characterized as party democracies, since in many respects parties are key actors in political decision-making, the recruitment of officials and elected representatives, and the exercise of power. Intra-party democracy contributes to the stability and legitimacy of democratic processes as a whole. In the recent past, many parties have increasingly been supporting efforts to introduce basic democratic elements. Using the example of the SPD, the article discusses the opportunities and limits of direct democracy within political parties and shows that despite the media-oriented member decisions on the party’s coalition policy, the SPD still has to be considered a committee-based membership party of the electoral model, which only occasionally and erratically uses grassroots democratic procedures.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {940--950}, author = {Jun, Uwe}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }