@article{2018:schindler:parlamenta, title = {Parlamentarisches Führungspersonal aus Sicht der Abgeordneten: Die askriptive Macht der Fraktionsvorsitzenden im Deutschen Bundestag}, year = {2018}, note = {Despite the pivotal position chairpersons of the parliamentary party groups (PPG) in the German Bundestag hold, they are substantively understudied. In particular, there is no scholarly work on the chairpersons’ power to steer PPGs. This study investigates the power relations within the Bundestag by drawing on MPs’ own assessments of chairpersons’ strength. Capturing the MPs’ views is extremely valuable since they should be able to provide better insights than outside observers. The influence socially ascribed to chairpersons can also be regarded as a source of power sui generis if the reputation of power leads to anticipatory adaptations. Almost all parliamentarians, irrespective of criteria like seniority or leadership affiliation, attribute considerable power to the chairpersons’ role. Moreover, this perception corresponds with the chairpersons’ self-perception. Given their importance for the functioning of parliamentary democracy, there is much need for more detailed investigations on their steering capacities and leadership behaviour.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {767--777}, author = {Schindler, Danny}, volume = {49}, number = {4} }