@article{2016:trger:oberbrge, title = {Oberbürgermeister- und Landratswahlen zwischen struktureller Schwäche und kommunalpolitischer Erfahrung: eine Analyse der Direktwahlen in Sachsen von 1994 bis 2015}, year = {2016}, note = {The article analyses the mayoral and district administrator’s elections in Saxony from 1994 to 2015. In these elections the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) won nearly all mandates with only a few exceptions and currently holds all district mandates in Saxony. In the mayoral elections in Saxony’s three large cities the CDU, however, is unsuccessful. The Christian Democratic candidate running for office during the latest election in Dresden was defeated, and in Leipzig and Chemnitz the Social Democrats (SPD) have held mayoral offices since the early 1990s. To explain these results the article focuses on party memberships in Saxony and the party’s ability to nominate suitable candidates. With the exception of the CDU in rural areas, low party membership numbers are relevant because they lower the ability to organize election campaigns and they limit the candidate pool. Furthermore, a candidate’s regional connections and experiences in municipal administrations are relevant factors of success. In addition, party alliances could compensate the small number of possible candidates and, moreover, forming coalitions with independent candidates could be successful methods in local elections.}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {636--656}, author = {Träger, Hendrik and Pollex, Jan}, volume = {47}, number = {3} }