@article{2015:oppelland:die_thri, title = {Die thüringische Landtagswahl vom 14. September 2014: Startschuss zum Experiment einer rot-rot-grünen Koalition unter linker Führung}, year = {2015}, note = {After 24 years in power, the CDU was replaced by a new coalition composed of The Left, the SPD and the Greens and led by Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, a member of The Left party . This constellation is entirely new in Germany . Although the CDU remained the strongest party (33 .5 percent) for several reasons (a non-polarized campaign, issues that had been reduced in salience, and a decline of the state Prime Minister Christiane Lieberknecht’s reputation) the party failed to win the votes necessary to come into a position where no politically viable coalition could be formed without it . The Left‘s strategy of personaliza- tion, on the other hand, proved successful to moderately improve its good result of 2009 . The SPD had made the wrong strategic decision of keeping all coalition options open be- fore the election and thus experienced not only another debacle but, with 12 .4 percent, an all time low . Yet, after the election the SPD found itself in a pivotal position and could de- cide which coalition would form the next government . In the face of electoral defeat it set- tled for the new coalition with The Left and the Greens who barely managed to pass the five-percent threshold . The SPD-party members voted to approve this choice . That the FDP failed to surmount the five-percent threshold can be attributed to Germany-wide trends [ZParl, vol . 46, no . 1, pp . 39 - 56]}, journal = {ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen}, pages = {39--56}, author = {Oppelland, Torsten}, volume = {46}, number = {1} }